School Council Meeting on Monday May 9th

The School Council is meeting on Monday, viagra dosage May 9th at 6:30pm in the library.  This is the second to last meeting for this school year.  The council will be deciding on how the school funds raised this year will be allocated and spent.  We need at least 3 parents who are not on the council to be in attendance to approve how the money is spent.

Do you want the money raised to go towards outdoor recess equipment?  Library books?  School bus field trips?  Do you have ideas on how the thousands of dollars raised should be spent?  This is the meeting to attend to voice your opinions.  Please come to this meeting.

School Council meeting TONIGHT

Come join fellow parents tonight, Monday April 11h at this month’s parents School Council meeting in the school library at 6:30pm.

On the agenda tonight is:

  • Principal’s Update (Colleen)
  • Approval of Agenda/ Minutes (March 7th & 23rd, 2016)
  • Zone Update from Zone Meeting (Shawn)

Financial Glance:

  • Financial Snapshot (Julie / Laura)
  • Current Snapshot of Lunches (Second Term + Movie Night Glance)
  • Spending of Funds (End of Year)
  • Funds for future long term projects (Suggestions for future councils)

 Upcoming Events: 

  • Family Movie Night – Movie Selection (April)
  • Cake Walk – Further Discussion (May)
  • End of Year BBQ – Further Discussion (June)

General Discussion 

  • Pita Pit Alternative for next year (Suggestion for next Council)
  • Other Business – if needed / time allowing

If you would like to make a suggestion of a topic for tonight’s meeting, we can add it to the agenda. Send an email to

Parent School Council Meeting TONIGHT!

Come join fellow parents tonight, Monday March 7th for this month’s parents School Council meeting in the school library at 6:30pm.

Principal Burans gives an update on what’s happening at school at every meeting.  Parents have to opportunity to get involved and have an impact on their children’s school life.  Come help us plan some exciting events for the second half of the school year!

If you would like to make a suggestion of a topic for tonight’s meeting, we can add it to the agenda.  Send an email to