The February WEJ Council meeting will be Tuesday, buy February 18 at 6:30pm in the WEJ Library.
Here is the agenda:
- Approval of Agenda/ Minutes
- Volunteer Recognition
- Update on activities of Council
- Communications Committee – GOING GREEN!
- Events (Megan)
- Valentines Dance
- Movie Night
- Spring Fair (?)
- Parent Resource Library (Jen L)
- Fundraising
- Pita Pit Update (Brian)
- Lone Star Fundraising Evening Update (Megan)
- Hats (Megan)
- Valentines Day Card Fundraiser (Megan)
- Treasurer’s Report (Maggie)
- Motion to transfer funds for school resources
- Student Reps
- Grade 8 Graduation
- Inter-School Council Update/ Boundary Review (Megan)
- Principal’s Update (Marilyn)
- Other Business
Upcoming dates of note:
- Family Movie Night: Thursday, capsule March 7: 6-8pm WEJ Gym
- Next Council Meeting: Tuesday, March, 18: 6:30pm WEJ Library
- Lone Star Kanata Fundraising Evening: Tuesday, April 29: 4-10pm